Firefighters calm down scared little girl at crash scene by asking her to paint their nails

In addition to saving lives and extinguishing flames, firefighters have a responsibility to provide their community the assurance that everything will be alright in the wake of incidents.

Firefighters frequently interact with individuals who have had a traumatic event, such as an accident or the loss of their house.

In these circumstances, excellent interpersonal skills and a powerful, reassuring presence are crucial.

The situation for two firefighters was that… who demonstrated that getting a manicure is sometimes the manliest thing he can do.

The North Davis Fire Department in Utah sent Chief Allen Hadley and Captain Kevin Lloyd to the scene of a car accident. They came upon a young girl who was sobbing despite the fact that she had been unscathed by the mishap.

The firefighters tried to reassure her and cheer her up. They began a conversation with her after noticing that she was holding two bottles of nail polish. They then went a step further and suggested she paint them with nail polish!

It was a kind, considerate action. It’s likely that these firefighters don’t have their nails done very frequently, but it gave the girl something to do while she was distracted from the disaster.

And amazingly, it worked wonders.

“Within minutes, the child was calmly painting their nails and had forgotten about the accident she had just experienced,” the North Davis Fire District wrote on their Facebook page.

“Great job Chief Hadley and Captain Lloyd for providing awesome customer service to one of our young citizens.”

The firefighters received praise from commenters for their considerate actions: “Tough enough to wear purple and not care,” one person wrote. “Amazing job!”

It’s amazing how a simple, thoughtful interaction like that can really make a difference for someone and make them happy.

Let’s thank these firefighters for going above and beyond! Share this inspiring story!

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